"Wherefore, do the things which I have told you I have seen that your Lord and your Redeemer should do; for, for this cause have they been shown unto me, that ye might know the gate by which ye should enter. For the gate by which ye should enter is repentance and baptism by water; and then cometh a remission of your sins by fire and by the Holy Ghost" (2 Nephi 31:17).
This week was perfect. I loved every minute of it.Arturo Ramirez* was baptized on Friday!!!!! My first baptism I could go to as a missionary!! Every Friday, the ward has their activity night. Every group gets together and does their activities. This Friday, the activity was the baptism. Arturo Ramirez was an investigator of Elder Francis and Elder Gurr. Arturo Ramirez has such strong faith. It is so amazing. I don't even think I can describe it. His testimony is so strong. At the baptism, I just felt so much joy. My cup was overflowing. Here is one of Heavenly Father's children, opening the gate to eternal life. God has so many children, and he cares about each of them individually. I think I could just feel how much love Heavenly Father has for him. And he has that much love for all of us. It was such a beautiful experience! I'm so grateful I could be there! Arturo Ramirez was confirmed yesterday in church, and the Spirit was so strong again. What a wonderful work I am a part of.
We had been inviting investigators, recent converts, and less actives for the past week and a half to Arturo Ramirez's baptism, but the day of, everyone was cancelling on us. We were still allowed to go because we were helping out with the program. But I had the feeling to text Omar, a recent convert, and then Diego*, a potential who we have been trying to meet with for a while, to come. It was really last minute, but they both were able to come! Diego really fit in so well with the ward, and even when the time came that Hermana Williamson and I had to leave, he was talking with so many other friends. Omar said he felt the spirit so strong and it helped him remember his own baptism (almost a year ago).
I went on exchanges with Hermana Cobb from Wednesday to Thursday in Surrey! It was so fun! We taught two lessons. We just love that we still have that comp unity we did in the MTC. It was so good. Love that Hermana to death!
I had exchanges with Sister Flinders on Thursday to Friday! She is so amazing. She goes home on Wednesday, so I was her last exchange! She has such a great testimony and view on everything. I learn so much from her.
I had exchanges with Sister Flinders on Thursday to Friday! She is so amazing. She goes home on Wednesday, so I was her last exchange! She has such a great testimony and view on everything. I learn so much from her.
On Saturday, we had scheduled four lessons with families! Two of them fell through, but we are going to be teaching them this weekend.
Our last lesson on Saturday went late. We missed the first half of Women's Conference, but what I did see was awesome. We watched in Spanish. So it was twice as awesome.
Yesterday. Cassandra was baptized! And confirmed! She was originally just going to have to wait two weeks to be confirmed, but we made it happen last night. Bishop wanted to start a half hour early, but we had invited the Hermanas and President Burt, who were on their way, but wouldn't be there until 4:30, the time the baptism was supposed to start. So we tried to stall as much as we could. President and the Hermanas got here in time, but Bishop had them start without us! Including Cassandra! It was so crazy! We felt bad that it was just so rushed. But in the end it all worked out. It was such a beautiful experience! She was just glowing. The Spirit was so strong! I swear I was just smiling so big all day. I'm sure I looked ridiculous, but I don't really care. She was baptized. What a blessing! What a blessing from Heavenly Father that we can be made clean and return to live with him and Jesus Christ one day. If that isn't an action of love, I don't know what is.
"Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ having a perfect brightness of hope, and of love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father : Ye shall have eternal life" (20).
Two people, in our ward alone, just made the first step to eternal life. Those blessings are now open for them. It is so cool.
"And now, behold, my beloved brethren, this is the way; and there is none other way nor name given under heaven whereby man can be saved in the kingdom of God. And now, behold, this is the doctrine of Christ, and the only and true doctrine of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, which is one God, without end. Amen" (21).
There is no other way we can be saved. There is no other way to have eternal happiness. We all must turn to Christ and be perfected in him.
We need to "[rely] wholly upon the merits of him who is mighty to save" (19). It does not stop at baptism. We need to be using and applying the doctrine of Christ in our lives every day. We need to have faith in Jesus Christ and his Atonement, repent, be baptized, receive the Holy Ghost, and endure and enjoy to the end. This is the path to eternal life.
Last night we got transfer calls. In the past, they did them on Monday nights, but when we were talking to President Burt on Monday, we talked about doing them Sunday nights, and I guess he like how it sounded. Any guesses? I'm staying in Vancouver Spanish. So is Hermana Williamson. And we are training a new Sister! We get to go to the meeting on Thursday and everything! Now we just have to figure out how to fit another bed and desk in our small apartment. I can't wait! We think Hermana Cobb is training in Surrey.
Also, because it is the end of transfers, we have Sister Thompson with us. She is from Idaho and goes home on Wednesday. She is super sweet and does such a great job sharing her testimony with everyone. We have her until Tuesday afternoon, and then Hermana Cobb finishes up the transfer with us.
Lots of changes and so much fun. I love doing missionary work!
Speaking of which, we taught Gospel Principles yesterday on missionary work. Our church is a missionary church and has always been. That means if you are a member of the church, you have a responsibility to share with everyone the knowledge we have. So go and do. Don't miss out on the miraculous blessings that come when you bring one of Heavenly Father's children back into His fold.
All for now!
Hermana Lewis
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Cassandra's* baptism! |
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Right after the baptism. I love her with all my heart! |