I have no idea where to begin and I have no time! My companion is Hermana Cobb. She is from Boise, Idaho. She is 23 and graduated from BYU. We get along so well and understand each other. I don't think I could have a more perfect companion for me!
I have seen Elder Carrigan, Elder Dalgleish, Elder Abel, Elder Morley, Elder Burri, and Sister Wunderli! And I see them pretty much daily.
My two teachers are Hermano Beeston and Hermano Adlish. I cannot get over how blessed we are to have such great teachers. Every time they say anything about the gospel, you just feel the spirit testify so strongly that it's true! We are honestly so blessed!
On Thursday, we learned how to pray and bare our testimonies in Spanish.
We had our first lesson on Friday! All in Spanish. Our investigators name is Sam*. His wife was recently baptised a couple months ago and so he wanted to know more about our church. That lesson was not good. We tried, and most things considered, it was probably fine. But oh boy. Mi compañera gets the giggles when she feels uncomfortable, and so it was really hard for her not to laugh. And when I couldn't think of how to say what I wanted in Spanish, I would start speaking French. But then I would have to think in my head "go back to Spanish" and then I could think in English, and then try to say it another way in Spanish. It was bad, but we have gotten so much better!! Our second lesson with him was the next day, and It was definitely more of a talk than a lesson. But it went better. We were pretty happy. But that day in class, Hermano Adlish taught my Zone how we could be better teachers. We prepared our third lesson and boy. We were so happy when we finished. We could say almost everything we wanted or found our way around it. We felt the spirit and it was a conversation instead of a lecture. I don't even know how to explain it without me being there to say it. El don de lenguas es verdad! Yesterday, we had our first lesson with our new investigator, Maria. She is from Monterrey, Mexico and is here with her family while her daughter is at UVU. Our lesson did not go as well as we hoped, but it was still probably our second best lesson. Second to our third lesson with Sam. Tonight is our last lesson with Sam and we are hoping he'll be baptized (long story that's not important for you to know). We're super sad that it's our last lesson! We were supposed to have 4 more.
For gym, we go to the Fitness Center. For the first little bit, Hermana Cobb was teaching me yoga because she was a teacher before she left for her mission. It's great! But I really like moving more. So I just stretch my sore muscles and then I do weights while she does yoga and then she usually joins me on arms. But yes. I am sore.
The Hermanas in our room are Hermanas Bagley, Hollander, Thompson, y Ramos. They are pretty great. Hermana Cobb and I always have things to laugh about, but they just think we're weird. But we all get along really well. Just Hermana Cobb and I are super happy...
Thanks for all the letters! It's so fun to read them before we have to turn the lights out! The first day I got them was Friday I think. My district leader, Elder Caine, is the one who gets the mail for the whole district. He came up to me to give me my mail but first asked, "Have you seen 'The Best Two Years'". I said that I have and he said that that was what it was like looking through the mail. "Hermana Lewis, Hermana Lewis, Hermana Lewis-- Ah!"
Learning Spanish is so much fun. And it's so helpful already speaking another language, because it just makes sense. I don't know. I've memorized Our Purpose and the Baptismal invitation in Spanish, as well as remembered JSH 1:17 and have used those at least once in a lesson, some twice (except not the purpose cause that would be weird).
The missionaries in my district are Elderes Caine, Passey and Kaze. They are a trio. Then there are Elderes Sorenson y Nelson, y Elderes Arce y Erasmus. Elder Erasmus is the one all the workers at the distribution center were talking about, who was going to my mission, when I told them where I was going last Monday.
My ZLs are Elderes Larson y Lawson. Elder Larsen is from Prescott, so we talked a lot about it.
Last night for our devotional, Elder Russell M. Nelson talked to us. It was pretty great. And Hermana Cobb y yo are in el choro, and we sang "Joseph Smith's First Prayer". Is that what it's called? Uh, yes. It sounded great.
Hermana Cobb y yo are making so many friends. Kind of. We talk to everyone and try to sit by someone new at every meal. Sometimes the people we sit by are super awkward. Who am I kidding. Most of the times they are.
On Sunday, during our temple walk, we met an Elder going to our mission, but he is Korean speaking.
That's all I have time for this week! It's been really crazy. If you want some good scriptures to read, 2 Nefi 31 is so good and has helped us with so many lessons this week!
Love you all!
Con amor,
Hermana Lewis
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