This week was a great one! As a mission, we have been working on results, and President has really been pushing that each companionship reaches the Standards of Excellence every week.
As a companionship, we were doing everything we could think of this past week to make it. We need to have 2 Baptismal Dates, 2 Investigators at Sacrament Meeting, 8 Member Present Lessons, 4 New Investigators, and 210 Quality Gospel Conversations to meet the Standards of Excellence. We had over 20 confirmed MPLs this week, but starting in the early morning, and going until night, every day, our lessons would be cancelled last minute. We did a lot of driving time trying to get to those lessons that fell through, and also lost time waiting for people to show up, who decided not to.
We weren't able to make it this week. We had 1 investigator attend Sacrament Meeting, 6 MPLs, 3 New Investigators, and 215 QGCs. This week is looking golden. We can't wait to see what we can do with the time we have been given!
I think the biggest lesson I learned this week is that we can only do as much as we can, and the Lord accepts that. We did all we could to meet the Standards, but we fell short in every category except for 1. But the one we did accomplish was the only one we had complete control over. We weren't able to make it this week, but we did what we could. I think what I learned from it all is that I have been blessed with talents and abilities, and the Lord wants me to use what I have to help bring the work forwards. I can't control whether people meet with us, but I can do all I can and wear myself out in the service of the Lord.
On a super happy note, we went to this burger place because we didn't have dinner scheduled in and we were on the run. Holy cow. That place was awesome. Definitely going to be a part of Heaven... I ate a bison burger. Oh man. And some fries. They played U2 and other amazing bands, hockey season highlights and a game, and had burgers. What more could you dream of? Although, I only fully appreciated the burger part, as I am a missionary.
Go consecrate yourselves to the Lord. Then get back to me.
Paz y bendiciones!!!
Hermanita Luis
(Photos Edited by Amber)
Vancouver. From the passenger seat.
Happy 1 month to Hermana Wilson! |
To North Van. |
Lonnnnnnnnsssssdale view |
Ah! Sorry to scare! Luisa y Celeste! |
Photobombed my own picture. Fail. Don't mind me. Really. |
<3 them with all my <3 |
Last moments with our mini missionary, Hermana Prado! |
These next few pictures cost a $37 parking ticket :(:((((((( |
Queen Elizabeth Park |
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