We got to do lot's of contacting this week! I think our investigators and our members coordinate their schedules with each other so we can't ever have a member present to see how dedicated we are to the work...
We're pretty dedicated:)
We met this guy named Jared*. He is from Edmonton. He rode his bike from Edmonton to Gas Town. We were talking to him as he finished his 3 week trip, and he showed us pictures of the sights he saw and told us about experiences he had. He was animated in a laid back sort of way. This sentence pretty much sums up the conversation:
Jared: That's why we like to call it BC. Bring cash.
Haha someone sign this guy up for something great. Anything.
Transfer calls happened! You'll never believe it! I'm going to Burnaby, opening up French! I'm super excited! I did not see that one coming!
Hermana Wilson and I have been the witnesses to two nasty break-ups. Sadly, or luckily, I don't remember the details really. But they kill us. So funny!
Hermana Wilson and I gave talks yesterday in Sacrament Meeting, along with our Ward Mission Leader, Hermano Puschel. Let's just say we crossed that off the list of things to do. My talk was based off of Elder Neil L Anderson's talk "Thy Kingdom Come". Love it!
Thanks to a bunch of little miracles and Esteban, today Hermana Wilson and I are going to Science World for free! We are so excited!
I'm not really sure what more I have to say this week.
I was thinking a lot about Jesus Christ and all he did while he was on the earth. He had so much power and authority in everything he did because his will was perfectly aligned with Heavenly Father's will. He was exactly obedient and did only those things that Heavenly Father wanted. That is how he was able to work all those miracles. I am super excited this week to work on better aligning my will with Heavenly Father's. I can't wait to see what miracles I am able to do, and what changes I see and feel by forgetting myself completely and dedicating myself wholly to the Lord.
Les amo! Que Dios les bendiga!
Hermana Lewis
Oh. And I guess I should say for transfers I am really staying in Vancouver Spanish with Hermana Wilson. Paz<3
There is a nice member who works at Walmart. We see him every week. We scored on the stickers! |
Ya...Sorry |
Granville Island. We spent P day last week with the some other Sisters for Sister Rogers' last real p day. |
Chillin. Double sorry for this one. |
Hola! |
Zone Conference Call. Yes we listened. |
Member splits! |
Last moments with Sister Rogers! |
False Creek. Yes. That's real. |