Sometimes I can't speak Spanish. A lot of the time I can't speak English, either. This creates so many problems.
We were out contacting and I messed things up a little. Grateful for the Atonement!
Me: Ya! As missionaries, we love talking about people with God and Jesus Christ.
Joke! We love talking with people about God and Jesus Christ.
Willy is officially getting baptized Saturday! We had her interviewed this past Saturday. President Burt wanted to make sure she was really ready, and that once she was baptized, she would stay active. He asked us to have one of our Zone Leaders, Elder Maurer interview her. Before the interview, we had a lesson with her and had Obispo over. President wanted to get the opinion of others about Willy, too. Obispo was so amazing. He came all the way from Port Moody to our lesson. The Spirit was so strong and some amazing things happened. I was even able to translate the ASL into Spanish so Obispo could understand. That was pretty cool. Then she was interviewed. Elder Maurer said it was one of the most spiritual experiences he has ever had. Willy is so special! We love her so much!
On Thursday, we went to Port Coquitlam to have dinner with the Chavez family. They are awesome! We got there early and went contacting. The first two people we saw looked Spanish. We debated, but then just chased them down. We started a conversation and the man said, "I don't speak English". Right! You speak Spanish! Him and his wife just moved here from El Salvador! We talked to them for a good while. They are the sweetest! They took a picture of us so they could always remember us. We asked if we could come over another time to share a message about God and Jesus Christ with them, but they didn't know their address because they just moved here and they didn't know their phone number either. But we gave them ours. They told us they always walked on that street. So next time we go out to Port Coquitlam, we'll be checking everywhere for them! They are so cute!
Saturday, we were supposed to have a lesson with Daniela. She does a lot of volunteering and she works with a fundraising company, and so she is super busy. She texted us Saturday morning and said that she wasn't going to be home, but that we could come visit her at her event at Sunset Beach. It was beautiful (we are planning on going there for P-day today:)). We got to meet her boyfriend, Jared*. We taught them both together and it was so cool. We are now hoping we can continue to teach them both!
Fernando fasted yesterday!! Isn't that so cool?
We had a really cool lesson Saturday morning with a potential investigator. Her name was Josefina*. She has 3 kids- Iago*, Manuel*, and Pablo*, and her husband, Inigo*. They actually live really close to us. But we did how to begin teaching and taught the Restoration. She also has a date for June 28! We hope things go well! She is reading the Book of Mormon right now:)
I guess those were some of the highlights of the week.
Oh! We got transit passes again this month! So that has been a blast! We have been out of the car more, which is so nice, and we have met a lot more Spanish people! Also, we get to ride the Skytrain. What more could you need. Mission. Skytrain. People. Gospel. Nothing else.
Ya me voy. Paz y bendiciones! Cuidense!
Hermana Lewis
We had "dinner" with a really sweet member of the ward. She gave us a lot of carbs. We had to call it quits. Hermana Wilson couldn't finish eating all her food, and when the member wasn't looking, put some of it in a bag. Haha this is part of an egg, and dried papaya. |
Robson Square |
Fish |
Members like to cancel last minute. |
Cute family from El Salvador! |
Bad picture of a beautiful view. |
Happy Birthday, Sister McKee! |
Sunset Beach |
Celeste! |
You can't tell. But the flies here are GIGANTIC! The small ones are the size of huge ones everywhere else in the world. |
Vancouver City Center |
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