Hey! Transfer news!
I am staying in Vancouver! For transfer number 5! Hermana Wilson is going to Surrey to follow-up train Hermana Kartchner. The Hermana from Guatemala is not coming any time soon, because she doesn't have her visa yet. I am going to be companions with Hermana Cobb and Sister Cendreda! I'm so excited! We are being the missionaries for their English ward and our Spanish ward and splitting the work. Of course I already love Hermana Cobb and I am so excited to be companions with her again! Sister Cendreda has been Hermana Cobb's companion for the past 2 transfers and she is amazing, too! The four of us have been doing so much recently during p-day, as well as we took them to Zone Conference, Zone Meeting, and some lessons since they don't have a car:) I'm going to miss Hermana Wilson, but she is going to do so great in Surrey!
I went on exchanges twice this week! Once to Vancouver YSA with Sister McKee, and right after, to Surrey, with Hermana Kartchner.
We spent P-day with the Van South Sisters (Hermanas Cobb and Cendreda), the Sister Training Leaders (Sisters Schroeder and McKee), and the Surrey Hermanas (Hermanas Johnson and Kartchner) as Hermana Johnson's last p-day. We went around Deer Lake Park and laughed and took pictures and laughed some more. I'm gonna miss that one!
Edmundo* and Patricia*, 2 members of our ward, recently had a baby. Edmundo's mom came to visit, and we were able to start teaching her! She went back to the Dominican Republic this Saturday night, so we got to see her and say bye before. She told us she was going to keep going to church and reading the Book of Mormon. She invited us to visit her there and stay at her house when we finish our missions! We asked her if she had packed her Book of Mormon the Friday before she left and she said no because she hadn't read it yet for the day! She's so sweet! Love her!
I saved a raccoon this week! #pleasepleaseholdtheapplause
It was stuck in a dumpster. It was so cute!
On exchanges in Surrey, I was singing all day. Made up songs about the gospel of course. I was singing on my way up a hill and stopped to have a conversation with a lady waiting for the bus. I said hi and she was startled because she didn't hear us! Turns out she was singing some gospel songs too! We had the most energetic and crazy gospel conversation I have ever had! She was so cute! Her name is Anh* and she is from Vietnam! We taught about Baptism and that this is the church of Jesus Christ on the earth today! She can't wait to sing in ward choir!
I met this really cool guy on the skytrain the other day. And he had great hair. I asked him what he did and he said he put bananas in his hair to make it healthy. We had some bad bananas, and so last night we put bananas in our hair. Oh my goodness. Not a mission activity everyone. Save it for home. I had banana dripping down my face for an hour last night and it still wont wash out all the way! I have banana fibers or something in my hair. But it was fun!!!!
Ariana bought us visors! She is so sweet!
I've been studying the scriptures a lot this week, as well as studying about the scriptures! I love them so much!
2 Nefi 25:26 "And we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins."
Isn't that just amazing? We have the scriptures today for that reason. To help us better know Christ and have hope through the remission of sins!
23 For we labor diligently to write, to persuade our children, and also our brethren, to believe in Christ, and to be reconciled to God; for we know that it is by grace that we are saved, after all we can do.
The prophets labored so diligently to bring them to us, and having them is a fulfillment of a promise that our loving Heavenly Father made thousands of years ago.
I commit you all to
"feast upon the words of Christ; for behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do" (2 Nefi 32:3) and read daily!
Love you all!
Hermana Lewis
How to tweet. |
Me, Hermana Kartchner, and Hermana Cendreda |
Don't mind the elbow. |
My little bunny! |
Taking the afternoon off for some yoga. |
casual. |
Let's pretend the dragonfly was supposed to be blurry. |
Sister Schroeder!!! |
They have all these awesome pianos all over (maybe just the lower mainland), that are just on street corners and in parks, and anyone can play! It is so cool! I heard Heaven has pianos on street corners. Also food trucks and free ice cream. |
Transit! |
Fresh-squeezed lemonade downtown City Center! It was so good but also really acidic. The guy in the back was playing "Baby You Can Drive My Car" and a bunch of other hits as a medley on his guitar. It was good:) |
Hasta Pronto, Valeria*! |
Haha I keep seeing this everywhere! You know you are in Vancouver when_____. |
We were forgotten. |
Maya*! |
So hot! On exchanges. |
Bye Sister Mathialagin! |
Bye Sister Shahamati! |
Anh! |
From Ariana! |
For fun before the bananas. |
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