Happy late Halloween! We celebrated by eating expensive M&Ms (about 2 cups for $8). Weekly planning went great! And a cute family from one of the family wards had all their grandchildren over on Halloween and decorated cupcakes for all the missionaries in the Kelowna 1st, Kelowna 2nd, and YSA wards.
Kelowna is absolutely gorgeous. We have been getting so much rain here, which is unusual. But the trees and the bright leaves and the fog really just do the soul some good.
We did exchanges with the Kamloops YSA sisters! Sister Jenson and Sister Cosman! It was super fun! We made it the whole 2 1/2 hour drive in one piece, and got to stop on the way at Shaylynn's house for dinner!
This week I got to teach a lesson to a sweet lady, Cereslinda*, from Mexico and her son, Enrique*! We found her in the mall, and met up with her a few days later. She is super sweet and you can see how she is finding answers to the questions she's been searching in her soul by learning about the gospel. It's the best! They are super sweet, and even gave us a ride home on park-your-car day. I love them to death!
It's great to be a missionary, as always. And I'm officially addicted to obedience. It is pretty much the best thing ever!
I haven't been sharing my ponderize scriptures, so I'll start doing that!
Week 1--3 Nefi 5:13
He aquí, soy discípulo de Jesucristo, el Hijo de Dios. He sido llamado por él para declarar su palabra entre los de su pueblo, a fin de que alcancen la vida eterna.
Week 2--Doctrina y Convenios 68:4
Y lo que hablen cuando sean inspirados por el Espíritu Santo será Escritura, será la voluntad del Señor, será la intención del Señor, será la palabra del Señor, será la voz del Señor y el poder de Dios para salvación.
Week 3--Mosiah 24:15
Y aconteció que las cargas que se imponían sobre Alma y sus hermanos fueron aliviadas; sí, el Señor los fortaleció de modo que pudieron soportar sus cargas con facilidad, y se sometieron alegre ypacientemente a toda la voluntad del Señor.
Week 4-- 1 Nephi 7:12
Yea, and how is it that ye have forgotten that the Lord is able to do all things according to his will, for the children of men, if it so be that they exercise faith in him? Wherefore, let us be faithful to him.
Week 5-- Doctrine and Covenants 123:17
Therefore, dearly beloved brethren, let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed.
Those are all of them! And I love them each so much! I have a testimony of each of them and they have definitely been a light and focus over the past few weeks!
I think that's all for now!
Paz y bendiciones!
Hermana Lewis
And I forgot to mention! Cheryl got baptized on the 25th!! Everyone. The Gospel blesses families!
Joyce Pizza for my last preparation day with Hna Polanco! |
The Pasquier Family! |
Bye to my Nicolle! |
Fail |
Fall in South Vancouver |
Saying bye to Clara and her sweet boys, Cesar and Constantine! |
The Espinosa Family! Hermana Espinosa made me a scarf so I would stay warm here in Kelowna<3 |
On the plane to Kelowna with Sister Magleby, Sister McKee, and Sister Tingson! |
Downtown |
The Willoughby Sisters drove to Kelowna! And Sister Cendreda wore my clothes and I had an out of body experience...:) |
Sister Madson!!!! |
Drive to Vernon/Kamloops |
Tried to take a picture. Forgot it was on zoom. |
Kelowna, folks. |
Halloween Dinner and Weekly Planning 2015. |
Cupcakes from the saints. |
Last Spanish District Meeting (a couple weeks ago) |
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