Campus was alive this week. Starting Monday, we went back to campus and talked to so many people! And so many people gave us their numbers and we set up return appointments for the next two days.
The other week, I called through about 250 potentials and formers in our phone, and got to meet some cool people, and delete the numbers of the angry-at-life-and-the-missionaries people. Haha anyway... I got to meet some cool potentials as well! On Monday night, we got to meet with one named Hala*! She is from India and is so cool! And she also brought her friend (boyfriend?) to our lesson. And they are both so truth seeking! It was a super cool lesson!! We did HTBT and God is our Loving Heavenly Father! All the questions they were asking at the end lined right up with the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! We left them with the pamphlet and told them to read it and look for their answers, and then we would meet again and talk about it (which was going to be yesterday, but they didn't make it to church). But they are still cool!
We had every lesson we scheduled fall through this week. So that was super sad. 11 lessons in just 2 days! But the awesome part was that as we set them up, we felt good. And we felt successful. And we were just so happy that we got these numbers and they were truth-seeking people!
We had MLC this week and it was just amazing! Crazy to see Vancouver again! And the sky was clear at night so you could see the grid of streets. I could still trace my way through the streets of Vancouver as we were flying in, visiting formers, members, and potentials with my mind. But the meeting was so good! I received so much revelation! And I'm putting it into action!
I got to see Hermana Wilson!!!!!! She is now a Sister Training Leader in Nanaimo! I missed her so bad! And I got to see Sister Ditto! She is so amazing! Man. I am so lucky.
I don't even know how best to explain this week, except through the quotes and scriptures I liked. A lot of times, it wasn't new information, but it is true, and it just sticks to my heart and soul!
First things first, the Elders taught Sunday School two weeks ago and it was on the Priesthood. It was so great. I just love the Priesthood. And my ponderize scriptures have been all about it! It was a really good lesson, though.
Elder Maurer: The Priesthood authority is the power to do what God would do if he was in this room, right now.
They explained that the best way to know if you have repented of everything is to try to use your priesthood, and you immediately remember everything you've done, and know if there is something you need to fix before using it. So cool. So then I asked what it felt like to use the Priesthood.
Elder Ellis: It is part of the purpose of man to perform in the priesthood, so when you use the priesthood, you feel whole.
I think I got the most out of that lesson, for sure!
And we watched this video, which I had never seen before, but I love it!
Our District Leader called us to see how we were doing and check up on commitments we were given. We talked about the goals we had for ourselves and our area.
Elder Petersen: We're going to have to white-wash Kelowna YSA because you are both going to be translated.
I was studying Bruce R. McConkie's life. And I felt so inspired. And I love him.
"He has permitted me to suffer pain, feel anxiety, and taste his healing power."
"I am one of his witnesses, and in a coming day I shall feel the nail marks in his hands and in his feet and shall wet his feet with my tears.
"But I shall not know any better then than I know now that He is God's Almighty Son, that he is our Savior and Redeemer, and that Salvation comes in and through his Atoning blood and in no other way."
"It is now all in the hands of the Lord."
I'm obsessed.
Highlights from MLC:
President Burt: Waste, wear out, and kill yourself.
A sign: Everything happens for a reason. Sometimes the reason is that you're stupid and make bad decisions.
President Burt: It's no coincidence that you serve as mission president for only 3 years. It ends right before you die.
Elder Ricks: Put Christ first, yourself last, and others in-between.
President Burt: I don't care what we have to do, but are we willing to do it?
Elder Reynolds: Our desires to not bind our actions.
President Burt: Everything we do as missionaries is Celestial. We are not Celestial yet, so just keep going!
We had a couple missionaries who were going home (2/3 were my Zone Leaders at one point), and these were parts of their dying testimonies:
Elder Buchanan: I am a servant of our Savior, Jesus Christ. I cannot go back to who I was because this is who I am.
Elder Bonfield: I'm not the same person I was, and I can never go back to that. You can bet I'm going to work hard when I go home and I'm off this council to baptize monthly and help others come unto Christ, our Savior and Redeemer.
Elder Cottingham: We came from somewhere, we are here on our missions for a specific reason, and we'll go somewhere after. And if Joseph Smith really saw Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, it's enough motivation.
President Burt: I'm trying to be like Jesus. I'm trying in every way.
Church yesterday was exactly what I needed.
The Elders gave talks yesterday and they were really good.
Elder Maurer: You are enduring to the end if there is opposition to living the Gospel, and you still decide to live it.
Elder Maurer: It's a game of patience.
Elder Ellis: Our journey is going from humility, faith, conversion.
Logan Morris (in his farewell talk): The more you read (the Book of Mormon), the more you learn.
Last night, we had a YSA broadcast. Elder Nelson is the coolest. Same with his wife!
Elder Nelson: A prophet had given me an assignment, so I set out to do what seemed utterly impossible.
As we were watching the broadcast, we had a couple streaming problems. It would play a little, freeze, buffer, rewind, and then play again.
Elder Nelson: I was with my wife Sally, my wife Sally, and my grandson (or something like that).
Steven (one of the Elders investigators): Haha that's weird. Both his wives are named Sally.
A really cool girl came to church yesterday that the Elders found. Her name's Angela*! So keep her in your prayers!
Stacy is back! And she came to church! And she's now practically best friends with Angela! Great member missionary right there.
That's all for this week. Transfer calls come this Saturday... Sorry for how confusing it might be!
Love you all!
Hermana Lewis
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