This week was explosive on so many levels! I got to enjoy my last General Conference as a full-time missionary. I think it was a pretty amazing. A lot of the sessions were spent trying to juggle investigators and their children, and I wasn't able to put all my focus on the talks like I had in previous conferences, but I am so grateful that they were able to come and hear President Monson and his Twelve Apostles, and the other leaders of the church who have been called by God! I'm so grateful I had to worry about them! They each loved it so much! Some of my favorite talks were the ones about the priesthood keys, Elder Christofferson, Elder Bednar, Elder Holland, the first one after sustaining the church leaders, and so many others! I loved hearing them give their witness so boldly!
Stacy, Rachel, Tiffany and Heidi came to conference! Hurrah for Israel! It was looking like Stacy and Tiffany wouldn't be able to make it, which would mean we would have to change their baptismal date, but they were able to work things out at home and came! Sister Salvador and her daughter, Alex, are some of their True Friends, and drove them to the church and fed them lunch afterwards. Jessica and Stephanie came as well!
But Stacy, Rachel and Tiffany are still looking good for their date next Saturday! We even got to start teaching her oldest son who is visiting from Australia, John*! He has so many questions and is really truth-seeking!
We were able to set a date with Jessica this week and she will be baptized this Saturday! We are so excited for her and she is so excited for herself. She knows it is what she needs! And Callie*, an investigator from Sister Hoffman's old area is also getting baptized earlier on Saturday!
We were able to get a lot of members out with us this week for splits to go to more teaching appointments! A lot of times, the lessons ended up falling through, and we took the members finding with us. It was so good! We saw so many miracles!
Just a couple things before I go:
1. I completely and faithfully support and sustain Thomas S Monson as the Prophet, Seer, and Revelator of the only true and living God. I witness he His chosen representative for all His children in the world. I know that he receives revelation directly from our Loving Heavenly Father, and that his words are the words of God. I also sustain Henry B Eyring and Deiter F Uchtdorf as his councelors, as well as the Twelve Apostles and the other representatives of the church. I know they have been called of God and set apart by His priesthood power and authority, which are only here on the earth again because of the Restoration through Joseph Smith.
2. I know that Jesus is the CHRIST, the ETERNAL GOD. I know this. I don't know everything, but I know enough that I can act in righteousness and obedience. I know he is my Savior and he loves me.
3. I know the Book of Mormon is the word of God. I know the Book of Mormon was saved and brought forth for our day. I know that because I have read it. Over and over and over again. I have read it more than any other book. Out of all the books I started (which is a lot) and all the books I have finished (which happens to be a lot less), I have never read a book that has taken me on a more beautiful profound journey. And the best part about it is that adventure doesn't stop once I finish it, but continues to unfold throughout my day, week, year, and life. It's eternal. I know the principles found in that precious book are of God and I love it with all my heart and soul, with every fiber of my being.
4. I am a covenant daughter of our Eternal Father. I know what it means to make covenants and how to keep them. I know the Father and the Son. I know they love each one of us unconditionally.
5. I know it is hard to put your trust completely in God, but if you do, God will provide completely.
6. I know I have a sacred calling and it means the world to me. I know I have been set apart my God's power to do His work in His way. I know that every single experience will be consecrated for my gain.
I love every single experience I have had. I know that God has a greater plan for me than I could even imagine for myself and I am trying my very best to let him take control. I love seeing his hand in my life. Each night as I pray, I reflect upon his tender mercies and his light and mercy. I am so grateful for him and the gift of his Son, Jesus Christ.
Con amor,
Hermana Lewis
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My companions got to do service without me on April Fools while I was on exchanges. Sister Yonk dressed up in honor of me. |
Taking care of Baptismal Dates and K's for the Zone!
I love to see the temple, I'm going there someday! I finally got to see the temple in real life! I didn't get to go in, but being so close was the best!
Me and a Brother who walked out of the temple!
The tripanionship
Con las hermanas!
Love them.
Reading mail at the employment center |
Between Saturday sessions!
The approach.
I just thought it was funny that the tree protection zone barrier was made out of wood.
This is a family from Sister Hoffman's area who said they would help us translate for Stacy!
This is a family from Sister Hoffman's area who said they would help us translate for Grace!
Call in reports on Sunday night
We gonna find you and share a message of everlasting happiness.
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