Feliz semana!
This week we did a lot of preparation for Zone Meeting on Friday! We came up with new ideas on how we could help the Elders and Sisters apply what we have learned and been committed to do, and we ended up having everyone bring a lunch to zone meeting, we sang How Firm a Foundation standing up, said a prayer, and the zone leaders split and left with two different companionships of elders to go and apply for a blitz in another area immediately, and we did as well. I went to White Rock, Sister Grant went to Surrey 3, and Sister Hoffman went to Surrey Span. It was so successful!
At Zone Meeting, we were talking about planning out our studies for our investigators.
Elder Ellis: It prevents the stream of unconsciousness. You're reading the Book of Mormon, and then you read the footnote, then you're reading Doctrine and Covenants, and next, Jesus the Christ, and all of a sudden your companion looks over and you are reading the Quran.
We got 5 new investigators this week and it wasn't even hard! Which is saying something! We worked hard, but these people just came!
We are planning for a baptism this weekend, so pray for Irene that she will go through!
We visited a member in the ward yesterday for our relief society president. We are still trying to put pieces together, but from what she has told us that we know isn't a joke is that she had a blood clot, and she couldn't move. She went to the hospital and has been there for 5 months. She can move how, but she can't walk. Meanwhile, her toes are dying on her feet and turning black. We asked her what happened and she said she shot her toe. And from what it looked like, we believed her. But it's just because of the blood clot. While we visited, the nurse came in and gave her her medication.
Kathy: I think it's some type of narcotic. It's supposed to kill pain, but it don't do diddley-crap.
Also, we walked into her room, in the neurology unit, and it was a quarantined area! We feel pretty cool.
We did exchanges with the White Rock Sisters, Sister Gartside and Sister Steele! I went with Sister Hoffman to White Rock with Sister Steele. It was so fun! We saw so many miracles! And then on Saturday, we did a blitz in both Surrey 3rd and White Rock!
I was studying this week a lot about charity and love. Christ is so wonderful! I love when Christ was talking to Peter and he asked him three times if he loved Him. Peter said yes three times, and the response was to feed his sheep. That is what He wants from us! If we love Him, we will feed his sheep! I was remembering the talk from conference, where the speaker said the first commandment of the gospel is love the Lord they God with all thine heart, but the first truth of the gospel is that God loves us! We need to love him, and then feed his sheep!
Naturally, I was moved upon by the Spirit to show a little more love and charity for everyone I am around. I studied charity and read Moroni 7. I thought back to the Savior's life and the first story that came to mind was when he was talking to the woman taken in adultry. After talking with her, He says, "Neither do I condemn thee" (John 3:16-17). If the Savior completely forgives and does not judge others, I should do the same. I shouldn't bother myself and waste precious time and efforts judging others. Christ was perfect and didn't use his perfection as a means of condemnation, but rather forgave her because He understood exactly who she was and her situation.
That's a lot of love! I'm so far away from that level of love, but I am working on it!
Other quotes:
Sister Grant: I prefer wetsuits.
In a lesson with Stacy talking about agency:
Sister Grant: (To Marcus*) Would you rather have an ice cream cone or a bowl of dirt?
Marcus: A bowl of dirt!!
Us: Why?!
Marcus: I want to make a sand castle!!!!!
All in all, it's been a great week! I love being a missionary! It's the best!
Con amor, paz, y bendiciones,
Hermana Lewis
Best view in the car! |
They helped us teach Morgan! |
The salad I ate! |
Keep them in your prayers! |
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