Ok. I'm just going to get to it as fast as I can.
Last Monday, we met with a potential we found on Saturday, William*, from Uganda. We taught him the Restoration, he loved it. We invited him to be baptized, and he was so grateful because he had never been given the opportunity before. He's on date for July 9th! We had daily contact with him this week and he loves the Book of Mormon! We taught him the Plan of Salvation yesterday, and you could just tell he was so prepared by the Lord. The Spirit was so strong and he taught us back parts of the lesson. But we also had to pass him to the Surrey Elders. But we have no doubt he will be baptized!
We stopped by a former, Arletta*, and she was in the middle of teaching piano lessons. She told us she couldn't talk, but asked us to contact her later. I made a comment about how they kids sounded playing the piano, and then she had us come in and had her students play the songs they were playing. They were 3 brothers there, ages 11, 12, and 14. They played 3 songs, including Fur Elise and Clair de lune. And they were beautiful. And they had only been playing for less than a year! We are going to find that family and teach them because they recognize it's a gift from God!
We met with Chastity and Adam a couple times. Adam (the 10 year old boy) is showing so much desire and commitment! It just blows me away! He gets it! And he reads his Book of Mormon to us in french and his accent is to die for. Chastity doesn't quite understand why any of it is important. She knows it's good, but is having a hard time acting in faith on the knowledge she does have. But she is showing a little more commitment after this morning.
Kiersten is focusing a little more on other things at the moment so we are most likely going to drop her date for July 19th, and give her some time to thing and figure some things out.
We were in the church after District Meeting and Bishop Iwaasa was there and found us. He told us a woman was on the phone who wanted to be taught! It was Mae, from Vancouver with the 6 kids, who we used to teach! She had moved to New West and wanted to meet with missionaries again. We haven't been able to meet with her yet, nor does she know it's me, but we're hoping to this week!
We knocked lots and lots of doors this week. We also talked to a lot of people on the streets. We were let into a home by a woman named, Aarev*, from India, and she talked to us about our purpose and fed us Mango juice. We also got a free slice of pizza from a man from Afghanistan who owns a pizza store and has seen us talking to people and helping people on the streets and wanted to know more about what we do. We have planted so many seeds, and one day, they will be reaped. And we're just enjoying every minute of the season!
I am just so blessed to be a missionary! We're going to make this week awesome! Can't wait to tell you about it!
Hermana Lewis
I almost forgot! We were getting gas the other day, and we were walking in to pay, and this guy says "hi sisters!", which never happens. So I ran after him and asked if he was a member and he was! Devon, from the Coquitlam ward. We talked to him and he told us how much he appreciated our service. He then gave us $20 for lunch and told us about his mission in Anaheim, and how nice it was when people would say hi and help out. We were so grateful. Huge tender mercy!
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