We got standards. We got standards.
Thanks for all the prayers! They sure do help!
This past week was super crazy!
Happy Victoria Day yesterday!
On Tuesday morning, we dropped off Hermana Williamson at the mission office. It was so sad. Then afterwards, we went and finished studies. It was so sad. All day Tuesday, we didn't talk very much. We just felt like 1/3 of us was missing. It was a weird adjustment. We talked a lot about how we felt through out the day, but other than that, there wasn't much conversation.
Wednesday was a lot better. We were a little adjusted, or more like we made ourselves adjust so we could focus on the work. We got to do service for the Fajardo Family in Richmond! I mowed the lawn!! It was so fun! And the weather was overcast, but not cold. It was perfect. And then they gave us the most delicious sandwiches: toasted bread, sliced hot dogs, tomatoes, and avocados galore! It was so good! And then we had fresca (this version was cucumber) to drink. So much fun!
We went contacting Wednesday night. It wasn't very busy, but the first person we talked to was Doug*. He was from China. We told him what we did as missionaries and he said he was so excited! We told him we had friends who spoke Mandarin and that we would give them his number. The Van Chinese Elders got in contact with him and taught him the Restoration and committed him to baptism. His date right now is June 7th! The Elders keep telling us how golden he is and how he accepts every commitment.
We taught Fernando
the Word of Wisdom and 10 Commandments on Wednesday. While we were going over the things that we don't eat or drink, he seemed a little held up on tea. After explaining it, he pretty much bore his testimony to us about the Word of Wisdom, and how tea is bad for you. Alright. Sweet. Then when we committed him to living the Word of Wisdom, he committed without hesitation. So awesome! This weekend, from Friday to Sunday, he went to the YSA Conference in Langley with a friend. He said he loved it! We are passing him to the Elders today, even though there are only a few parts of lesson 4 left to be taught. He's so prepared for baptism.
I finished the Book of Mormon again for the second time since I left on my mission on Thursday! What an inspired book! Everyone, the Book of Mormon is the word of God.
We taught Esperanza* on Thursday. We had Andrew, a member of YSA who is deaf, come with us. We taught the Restoration and how we pray in our church. It was such a great lesson . The Spirit was so strong! And now I can pray in ASL. A very simple prayer. We showed her how to watch the scriptures in ASL online. We taught her again last night. She had her family re-arrange her living room so it was easier for us to teach and so she could have a special spot to watch the Book of Mormon.
Celeste did another mini mini-mission with us this weekend. From Saturday afternoon until Sunday night. What a blessing.
This week was a week where a lot fell through. We were so exhausted by the end. It's nice to say we have it in the past. We did the best we could, and are looking forward to what this week has coming!
We had a lot of investigators and potentials committed to church this week, but only 2 came. But they didn't even come to our building, so we didn't even see them. It was really sad being there and not having them there. We also lost a baptismal date because one of our investigators didn't come to church. BUT, it's all okay because it's all in the Lord's hands.
Because so many lessons fell through over the weekend, we really needed some miracles to be able to meet standards. We went knocking around the area where we knew one of our investigators lived, to try to find him. Haha We knew what street it was, but that was it. We just started knocking. We hadn't been in contact with him in a few days, which we found out later was because he lost his phone. I saw someone in the distance and I had the feeling to talk to them, but we weren't in a situation where we could. Later, that person wasn't there anymore. We knocked a few more doors, and just as we were walking up to one of our last doors, we ran into Pedro! He is the friend of Cristobal, from Venezuela, who we taught the Restoration and both committed to be baptized. We saw him and started talking to him. He had to run off to work, but said we would talk later, and told us that Cristobal wasn't home. We walked to the back to knock on the door. A woman answered and was saying to us that she spoke Spanish...in Spanish. We started talking right back to her in Spanish and she let us in after a few seconds:) Her name is Elena*. She is the mom of one of the people living in the house. Two minutes later, who walks in? Pedro! We talked and got to know them, explained what we do as missionaries, explained what the Book of Mormon was, read some scriptures from the Book of Mormon, and prayed. Miriam LOVED it. She said we could come back on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We're super excited! Now Elena, Pedro, and Cristobal are all being taught! There is just one more in that household to teach. Pray for them all!
Yesterday we taught Sumon*, from Bangladesh. He was a potential we found from a week ago. We taught the Restoration. He prayed and is excited to find out, just like Joseph Smith did, if these things are true and if this is Jesus Christ's church.
Vancouver note: An episode of the Walking Dead was filmed at the high school right by our apartment the other night. Anyway...
Hey! I finished Doctrine and Covenants this morning! What a great book. I have now read the Book of Mormon twice, the Pearl of Great Price, and Doctrine and Covenants. Now onto the bible:)
Have a great week! I hope it is as great as my watch tan line.
Have a conversation with God. It's the best! It really works!
Hermana Lewis
Poutine! First time! |
With Andrew after a lesson with Esperanza! |
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