I think I forgot to tell this story. So here we go.
We were going to visit Cassandra for a lesson. We were driving on this street, minding our own business, being missionaries. We were stopped at this red light. This lady was crossing the street and didn't see fresh road kill- a squirrel. The squirrels here are black. So that adds to the story. She was walking across the crosswalk and BAM. She stepped on it. Right now every single car at the intersecting is stopped, watching her. Haha she started freaking out! I mean freaking out! She did a little dance thing and was flailing and screaming. When she eventually made it across the little 2 way road, she took off her shoes and threw them away, and just walked wherever she was going barefoot. Hahahahahaha it was so funny!
Our awesome Ward Mission Leader always says the greatest lines. This was one of the latest:
Hermano Puschel: "We have to be more aggressive than the evangelicos. They are aggressive. We can't be aggressive like them. We have to shake these potentials spiritually. That's how we can be aggressive." And, "They need to have a spiritual earth quake".
He's a great guy!
When we were at the church one day this week, we ran into the Van Chinese Elders. We asked them how to say basic lines in Mandarin so we could talk to more people because about 89% of the people we talk to speak Mandarin and not English. Before I would just hand them a card and use "sign language", but speaking would be so much better, right? So they wrote down how to pronounce some things. The next night when we were out contacting, I ran into a guy named Murphy*, from China! I was talking in English, and then I switched to my slow slow mandarin, but he understood me! And I got his number! And now the Elders have it! Woo! But he's going to China for the summer until he comes out to study again in September, so it'll be a while.
Science World was awesome! We had so much fun! There were so many hands on activities! Haha I think it's meant for kids, but that's okay! There were some parents there who were enjoying themselves, probably more than their kids, too!
We had a lesson with a girl named Valeria* on Tuesday. She is from Mexico and is 18. Elders Nielson and Gurr found her and gave us her number. She was super interested to learn more. We were finally able to meet up with her. We got to bring Cassandra to our lesson! She testified so strong! I was so proud of her! She usually gets shy when talking about the gospel, but I wish I could have recorded it or something. The Spirit was so strong! We committed Valeria to baptism, but she goes back to Mexico this week. We are trying to get her address so that we can help her find the closest church to her house and send missionaries to her, there. Pray for her!
We visited la familia Soza*, but not the one we have visited before. This is the family of their oldest son. We had the best chicken sandwich things I have ever had! Oh man! And we got to know the cute little family so well! Their oldest daughter, Mariana* is 5. She is so cute! She has this stuffed owl that she named Coo Coo. Coo Coo is really naughty. And she takes him everywhere and makes him do bad things. She would bring him to church and everything! But now he's banned. Oh my goodness. She is just so cute! That family is adorable.
I was going to tell you the best story, but I'm running out of time, so we'll have to wait till next week!
Daniela read the scriptures on her own on Saturday!! We have a lesson tonight with her so we are going to see how that went. But isn't that so cool?
We finally got to teach Lucia again! She has had so much work that we couldn't see visit her for a whole transfer. But we read 3 Nefi 11. We had read it with her before, but this time she had more knowledge about the gospel and more of a testimony and it meant so much more to her! And she asked how many more chapters she could keep reading about Christ in the Americas. We are going to her house for P Day today to learn how to paint and read more about when Christ visited the Americas. She is an amazing artist! We're so excited!
For the rest of P day, we are going to Lynn Valley with Andrea, a recent convert, and hiking a little, and then having dinner with her! We're super excited!
The Lord is definitely leading this work! He has so many miracles in store for all of us if we will just submit to his will!
Love you all!
We thought we were really good at this. We would get going pretty fast (in comparison to the people on the other side). Then we realized our sensor wasn't working, and for all we know, hit the sides. But it was fun. |
Goal. |
Outcome. Hermana Wilson style. |
And mine. I'm impressed with us. |
Egyptian. Camera shadow pose. |
Ya. Enjoy that. |
We ate healthy. Wasn't too filling, but it wasn't processed. Honey Garlic chicken, baby! |
Weekly planning. |
Not really. But it felt like it. Especially for our car. |
Mmm! |
Hermana Dougie! |
Not really. But it felt like it. Especially for our car. |
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