This week was a long one!
We'll start with last Monday! For P-day we went to Stanley Park and rode our bikes around the whole thing. It was so pretty! And it was awesome to wear pants and to ride bikes! At one point I was taking a picture for Hermana Wilson and this guy came up and said, "Get in there sister. I'll take your picture". It was a member! We never see members! Ever! And he was from Saudi Arabia and here with his family. I fell in love with that family. And then as they were leaving, he said "Thank you for your service". Oh man. Good day.
From Tuesday to Wednesday, we had exchanges with our Sister Training Leaders. Sister Schroeder came to our area. It was a really good exchange! And I got to help a YW in the ward with math!
From Thursday until Saturday, we had exchanges with the Surrey Hermanas! We had to get special permission to do them since they are no longer in our district or zone, but it was such a great experience. I stayed in Vancouver and Hermana Kartchner, who has been out for 3 weeks came here! I learned so much from her as well! She is such a great missionary!
On our first night of exchanges, we were visiting a recent convert, Omar. We had a really great lesson, and afterwards, he gave us mangoes to eat. We were eating the mangoes and they were super juicy, so our hands got really sticky. He didn't have any paper towels, so he gave us toilet paper. By the time we got it though, it was no long wet, but mostly dry, so the toilet paper stuck all over our hands in little pieces. Hermana Kartchner and I tried so hard not to laugh but we laughed so hard! At least it was at the right time in the conversation.
Ariana came to church yesterday! And she now has a phone so we can be in touch with her! What a blessing! Liliana also came to church, the mom of a ward member who is not a member, and Sabrina! All the talks and lessons were exactly what our investigators needed to hear, and it was so cool!
I officially named 3 guitars this week. Hermana Lewis, Dexter, and Gloria Luis.
I think that's about it!
I love being a missionary with all my heart. I'm so grateful for the chance I have to serve! Wouldn't trade it for anything. Nope. Not anything.
Hermana Lewis
Gastown |
Stanley Park |
like to ride my bicycle. I like to ride my bike. |
Sister McKee, Hermana Wilson, Me, Sister Schroeder |
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