Happy late Canadian Thanksgiving!
Highlights of the week:
*I had a sweet dream about the Spirit World. I have no idea if what I experienced is doctrine or not, but I loved it.
*We found this Chilean Housing division. Hopefully we get some real, golden investigators out of the pot of gold.
*We had dinner with the Espinosa family, and as usual, they left us feeling capable and spiritually uplifted!
*We had interviews with President Burt his week! I'm so grateful for him and all he does!
*We did exchanges this week with Sister McKee and Sister Ditto. I got to be with Sister Ditto in my area, and she was such a blessing and answer to my prayers. She is so amazing and dedicated!
*We had an awesome lesson with Lucia this week! It's been a while since we've seen her, but we just jumped right back into things and we got a promise from her that she would read the Book of Mormon. The Spirit was super strong, and Celeste, who came with us, did such an amazing job testifying. I'm so grateful for members like her. Her testimony really shines through!
*It poured all day Saturday, and that was our park-the-car day. It was so fun to just be out and get soaked, but not worry about anything. We only had one lesson that day, and spent the rest of the day walking around Richmond, inviting more people to enjoy the blessings of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. It doesn't get much better than that!
*We taught Daniela again! It was a great lesson about commandments, and we are working towards another goal for her to come to church!
*Michael, Rosa's son, came to church! He also came to Conference last week.
*I found out that Thiago, one of the investigators we passed to the Elders, thought I was Cubana. And when he found out I wasn't, he kept guessing countries where they speak Spanish! Then the Elders told him I was from Utah.
Christina came to church yesterday. We still are not going to teach her for a while, but Hermana Polanco sat by her as I translated (!). After a talk, Christina asked Hermana Polanco if we had a law of Chastity, too. Hermana Polanco pretty much taught all of the law of Chastity alone, for the first time. And for certain reasons, it was a little crazy for her. Christina stayed the whole three hours at church, thanks to Rosa, and then for the Ward Potluck afterwards.That night, Hermana Polanco was saying the prayer to start planning. She said:
"Gracias por el tiempo que disfrutamos con los miembros, y que Luciana disfruto el tiempo y pudo ver que podemos disfrutarnos sin quebrar la ley de castidad...."
And we died of laughter. What she meant to say was Word of Wisdom, although, we are grateful she could understand both!
Yesterday at church, we taught the Young Women. We taught about Attributes of Christ, and how we can better develop them. It was a good lessons, or at least Hermana Polanco and I thought so, and we really felt the Spirit guiding us. I think it was because we really did have a certain goal that we wanted to achieve, and that it was the same goal Heavenly Father had. There is definitely power when we align our will with Heavenly Father's.
I think that's all for now!
Escrito con el amor que tengo,
Hermana Lewis
Risk taken. Although I'm not sure what it was! Too long to read. But it was fun! |
Sister Chen! |
Me and the Ditto! |
P-day Surprise! |
We knocked on this door and everything was labeled. I died. |
This guarded our entrance to the door. Kind of like breaking the commandments and entering into the Celestial Kingdom. You can't. |
The DelCastillo family! |
My fortune |
The sweet Pasquier women! |
Her street. |
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